

Stop by our office at Didsbury Computers during their normal business hours to discuss your storage needs. Phone is always a good option, since it will forward when the office is closed. You can also use our online contact form and we'll get back to you shortly.


Business Office Location:

Didsbury Computers
104, 1610 - 20 Street
Didsbury, Alberta

Mailing Address:

Didsbury Mini Storage
Box 339
Didsbury, Alberta


Phone: 403-335-8908

Hours of Operation:

Gates are available 24x7 and are secured at all times with individual security codes.

Our business office is open during the normal hours of Didsbury Computers:
Monday -Thursday from 9:00 - 5:00 and Friday 9:00 -12:00 (except holidays)
Outside of those hours, the phone forwards to my cell phone so give me a call; I'm seldom far away!)

Email us

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