Penalties & Process

At Didsbury Mini Storage, we are committed to providing you the best possible storage solution available. And, as with any service, prompt payment is required. We understand that extenuating circumstances happen, but we are a small, local, family-owned company -- like you. When payment as agreed is not received, penalties will be charged and access will be restricted. Not only can those help encourage you to stay current, but they cover some of the costs associated with recovering debt.


  • - After 30 days late, a $10/month fee will be charged. That fee will be added to what is owing each month that you have an outstanding balance.

  • - After 30 days late, a second lock may be placed on your unit. A one-time fee of $25.00 will be added each time we are forced to lock out a unit. Once your rent is fully paid up, that lock will be removed. If you need something out of the unit while it's double-locked, you may gain access by paying what is owed.

  • - If you reach 90 days late on payment, you have defaulted on your contract. We may then, at our discretion, recover what is owed by selling the contents through the online services at Bid13. A registered letter will be sent to the last address we have on file ($35.00 fee to cover the cost) as a warning and to explain the process. If possible, we will send a copy to the email address we have on file. We will try every reasonable method to contact you to encourage payment instead of disposal.

  • - Once the unit is listed for sale, fees will be added to cover the cost of preparing the unit for sale. If the amount raised through the sale exceeds the amount owing, including auction and late fees, you are entitled to receive any excess money. The auction can be stopped right up to noon on the final day, but only if payment in full is received.

Thank you to the vast majority of our customers who have gladly worked together with us in providing for the storage needs of Didsbury and area. We look forward to working with you for years to come!