What about security?

At Didsbury Mini Storage, the safety of your contents is of utmost importance. We have implemented a variety of measures to help:

  • Our lots are surrounded by chainlink fence topped with barbed wire.
  • We have electronic gates with individual gate codes for each client.
  • We have security lighting as a deterrent, as well as to help identify and record any suspicious activities.
  • We have installed high definition cameras. Video is stored for at least a month.
  • We have a good relationship with neighbouring businesses and share video footage as needed.

Obviously no system is foolproof. We encourage you to do your part. Do not share your gate code with anyone. On the rare occasion when freezing fog has iced over a gate sensor, preventing the gate from closing properly, we have appreciated getting a phone call to let us know. Keep an eye out for suspicious behaviour and give us a call. We also strongly recommend a high quality lock which can't be easily cut with bolt cutters, such as the puck locks that we have available.